PolicyPak Security & Technical Whitepaper Series

This whitepaper series will show you how PolicyPak can maximize your control over your system.

Jeremy Moskowitz former Group Policy MVP

Jeremy Moskowitz
Microsoft MVP
Enterprise Mobility

Citrix WEM and PolicyPak: Competitive or Complementary?

Are you familiar with Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM)? Simply defined, WEM provides flexibility and power to optimize user experience, accelerate login time, simplify workspace administration, and reduce hardware utilization.

Sounds great, right? And familiar… From time to time both Group Policy and PolicyPak are compared to WEM. We often field the question from customers, “If I have WEM, do I really need Group Policy and PolicyPak?”

To answer this question once and for all, we interviewed Ryan Revord, Citrix CTP, and Hal Lange, WEM expert and former Citrix CTP. Download this Q&A with PolicyPak CTO Jeremy Moskowitz alongside Ryan and Hal to learn when they believe WEM can stand alone, and when WEM and PolicyPak truly are “better together.”

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