PolicyPak is the butter to Microsoft Active Directory's Bread. It helps you achieve more with your environment and enables you to get more things done!
PolicyPak is the butter to Microsoft Active Directory's Bread. It helps you achieve more with your environment and enables you to get more things done!
To protect our resources, we must implement a number of federal security mandates. Not only does PolicyPak make it easier, but in some cases, we would have no way to implement the mandated settings without it.
Without the flexibility inherent to PolicyPak it would be extraordinarily difficult to meet such a diverse set of user needs.
We don’t have to babysit all our deployed applications like we used to. PolicyPak has significantly reduced our troubleshooting and updating efforts
PolicyPak enables us, as admins, to say yes to software responsibly, instead of being the IT guys that always say no to everything.
We’ve been using PolicyPak for two years; it has helped us to retain control of settings within a very dynamic environment.
PolicyPak Cloud just works. This ability to deploy settings to anywhere a user might be is an enormous benefit.