Jeremy Moskowitz founded PolicyPak Software after working with hundreds of customers with the same problem they couldn’t manage their applications, browsers and operating systems using the technology they already utilized.

PolicyPak Scholarship
PolicyPak Scholarship (No Longer Accepting Applications)
The PolicyPak Higher Education Entrepreneur Scholarship
PolicyPak provided a scholarship opportunity to one lucky college student with big dreams. The scholarship provided an award to an undergrad or grad student with Entrepreneurial aspirations once their college degree had been received.
PolicyPak H.E.E. Scholarship Details (eligibility requirements)
Previously, to be eligible for the PolicyPakscholarship award, applicants must have been enrolled in an accredited graduate or undergraduate educational institution or recently graduated within the last 3 months of scholarship award distribution.
Scholarship money had been awarded to the applicant who displayed the largest entrepreneurial spirit and had an amazing entrepreneurial plan for after their graduation. The entrepreneurial plan must had been about security and how the entrepreneur aspires to make the world more secure.
Scholarship Award selection process
A panel of PolicyPak judges had reviewed application essays and awarded the applicant with the greatest entrepreneurial idea (which has any security focus) they’d like to execute after their college education is done.
For future opportunities, follow us on Twitter
Although the scholarship program has ended, and we are no longer accepting applications, we encourage you to follow us on Twitter. There you will find our latest news, information, contests, and events!