PolicyPak Licensing and Purchasing FAQs
What is a “Mid-year true up”, why would I need to do this, and what does it cost?
A Mid-Year true up means one of the following has occurred:
- You licensed specific OUs and your OU structure changed mid-year and your number of computers has increased by more than 20%.
- You wish to upgrade PolicyPak Professional Edition to have some new Paks you didn’t previously purchase.
- You wish to upgrade from PolicyPak Professional Edition to PolicyPak Enterprise Edition.
- You have taken on some large acquisition (more than 20% of what you’ve already purchased) and plan to use PolicyPak there within this year.
In all these cases, we will work with you to get you a prorated price for what you need. Then, when you go to renew at the end of you current year, starting at that next true-up period, you’ll simply pay the renewal rate for ALL computers in one go.