PolicyPak & GDPR
Right to Erasure
If you would like to have a copy of your personal information, update it, or have it deleted from our customer database, open a ticket at https://www.netwrix.com/tickets.html.
You may also request to be removed from our mailing list when you receive our email newsletters by following the steps detailed at the end of the message.
Note that after a request for deleting your information is processed, some data may be preserved if you have purchased something from us or we are otherwise trying to fulfill a contract
Also, once you have revoked our permission to use your personal data, you are automatically prevented from being re-added unless you make a new purchase.
Governing Law Superseding Contract Terms
By choosing to visit and interact with PolicyPak and MDMandGPanswers.com, you agree that your visit and any dispute regarding the protection of your privacy during such visit is subject to this Policy and the dispute resolution provisions in our separate Terms of Use applicable to the Services relating to the dispute. Please note that to the extent a customer enters into other contractual agreements with PolicyPak or MDMandGPanswers.com, the privacy terms and conditions of such agreements (including the separate Terms of Use applicable to the relevant Services) may by express reference supplement or supersede portions of this Policy.
MDMandGPanswers.com and PolicyPak use various third-party tools to manage contact information for the purposes of sales and marketing. According to GDPR, a person residing in the EU may choose to exercise their “Right to Erasure” (also known as “Right to be Forgotten.”) we will do our best to honor that right; as our third-party service, Infusionsoft handles the redaction. The GDPR compliance statements for Infusionsoft and other tools can be found on their respective websites.
This is a list of tools we use on the website and in our business dealings (this list may not be complete):
The full text of the GDPR can be found at the link below.
https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_enChanges to this Policy
We may update this policy to reflect changes to our information practices. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.
Effective Date of Policy
This Policy was last updated as of the last date set forth below. If you would like to see an earlier version of this Policy, please contact us using one of the methods set forth above and specify the applicable date or time period for the prior Policy version requested.
© PolicyPak Software, Inc. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by PolicyPak Software and MDMandGPanswers.com. Revised: July 30, 2019.