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Lockdown Application, Browser, and Java Settings
Apps, Browsers & Java Security Pak (36 mins)
Manage and lockdown settings for applications, browsers, and Java to meet your specific security and compliance requirements. The PolicyPak Apps, Browsers, and Java Security Pak ensure that you retain full control of the settings that end-users utilize most often.
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In this demo, you’ll learn how the PolicyPak Apps, Browsers, & Java Security Pak:
Configures and lockdown thousands of user settings on hundreds of commonly-used applications.
Manage browser settings, ensure website URLs open in the right browser & block websites completely.
Manages, secures, and blocks Java applets and websites quickly and easily.
About the Demo
End-users interact with applications, browsers, and Java more than any other resource on the Windows network. Therefore, locking down their settings is of critical importance for security and compliance. The PolicyPak Apps, Browser, and Java Security Pak not only lets you secure settings but also prevent users from ever reconfiguring the settings you put in place.