Jeremy Moskowitz – How not to get hacked
How Not to Get Hacked
Recommendations from an actual Ransomware attacker (who took home 4 million dollars in ransom).
Ransomware is one of the most common yet dangerous types of malware. In today’s remote-work environment, blocking and preventing malware like ransomware becomes even more difficult. Fortunately, 16X Microsoft MVP and Least Privilege management expert Jeremy Moskowitz is here to demonstrate how you can protect your environment in any windows environment.
Watch Now On-Demand
Join Jeremy Moskowitz, 16X Microsoft MVP, and Enterprise Mobility Extradranoire for a PolicyPak LockDown session that reviews a real ransomware case study and recommendations on preventing in the future. Throughout his talk, Jeremy will review topics like:
- How ransomware attackers get in
- Least privilege management best practices
- Remediation tactics
- Prevention tips
About the Speaker
Jeremy Moskowitz is a 16-time Microsoft MVP for endpoint management and enterprise mobility using Group Policy and Modern Device Management. Jeremy Moskowitz is the CTO and head instructor for PolicyPak and MDMandGPanswers.com.